Oakwood University is Seeking $100,000 to $250,000 a Year in State Money to Run Covid-19 Vaccination Clinics for the Government

 Oakwood University, a Seventh-day Adventist institution, is seeking to partner with state government officials to distribute vaccines to ethnic minority populations and rural communities. On February 11, 2021, Oakwood University President Leslie Pollard expressed these sentiments to WAFF News Channel 12:

Oakwood University’s president says he hopes the University can be a part of improving those numbers by submitting its proposal for a grant to run vaccination clinics in minority communities. President Leslie Pollard says university employees are working hard writing up a proposal. [1]

“I do understand the hesitancy, I empathize and sympathize with it, I think the risks of not be vaccinated if one can be are far less than the risks of being unvaccinated in this current environment, especially when there are so many morbidities that people of color actually have.” [1]

Oakwood University has applied for grant money from the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH), which is the main state health agency for the state of Alabama. ADPH is giving $100,000 to $250,000 to churches and schools that partner with them to administer vaccines to the public. This money can be renewed annually for up to three years. [2] Seventh-day Adventist educational institutions will soon be working for the state to administer Covid-19 vaccines for cash!

They are not doing it for free. They are getting paid. This is a collaborative alliance between church and state and is the most recent example that many of our people are losing their way. Power corrupts and money corrupts, but church and state power corrupts even faster at $250,000 a year. Our only hope and trust must be in God and not in the state. Government dictators are using this pandemic to gain all the power and control they can, and these church-state partnerships that are being created during the Covid-19 pandemic are extremely dangerous to our civil and religious liberties.

What will our people do next? Will we partner with the government to monitor carbon emissions during the implementation of Laudato Si’? Or will we betray Sabbath keepers during the mark of the beast through another collaborative alliance with the government? The church has a Provider, a Protector and a Partner. It’s Jesus, not Caesar. And when we seek political alliances, political power, political entanglements, political prestige and political dollars, we lose our moral independence and this will lead to corruption, spiritual decline and the image of the beast:

“It was apostasy that led the early church to seek the aid of the civil government, and this prepared the way for the development of the papacy,—the beast. Said Paul, There shall “come a falling away, … and that man of sin be revealed.” [2 Thessalonians 2:3] So apostasy in the church will prepare the way for the image to the beast” (Great Controversy, pp. 443, 444).


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